Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got in that suit...
To be honest, the story isn't that interesting. But just a little throwback for you before we jump into this festive post. I actually planned on writing something non-christmas for today's post but I thought it was a bit too intense and maybe a bit too sad given the time of year. And as much as I want to be real and thought-provoking on this blog, I don't want people feeling bad or worrying about me after reading a post. And I really do love Christmas, but this year has been a very weird one I must say.
As I said Christmas is hands down my favourite time of year. I'm a giver you see, and being able to buy gifts for my nearest and dearest really is something that I truly thrive in. Normally being pretty organised with what gifts I'm getting and buying them, it hasn't been as plain sailing this year... wait, hang on hang on. This was meant to be a positive post, I didn't even mean to start talking about that... jheeze. Let me rewind. Forget everything you just read!

IT'S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAAAAARRRRR. Can you tell I'm going a bit insane. It's quite apt that Christmas comes at the end of the year because it's also a time of reflection over the past 12 months and you can really take stock of what you're truly grateful for. The meaning of Christmas changes as you get older. When you're younger it's all about receiving, what gifts you're going to get but the true spirit of Christmas really is about that look on your mums face when you hand her her gift. The way your dad smiles when you're all surrounded by the TV watching a crap Christmas movie. Creating memories with your siblings and cousins as you down that last bottle of wine.
For a holiday that fundamentally exists around the idea of materialism and capitalism, true fulfilment at Christmastime is quite the opposite. And never take those moments for granted. Sure, another Christmas will come again next year but someone who is here today, might not be there then... and it could even be you. Not to sound so grim but if anytime of year should make you cherish the moments you have with others, it's Christmas.

And who doesn't love walking round a Christmas market sipping on mulled wine. Well actually... I don't. Especially when that mulled wine cost you £10 and starts to get cold. But anyway it's not just the people closest to you that you feel it from. A lot of people around the world are creating this sense of celebration and love that you can feel when you walk out the door. We're all facing the same challenges of last minute Christmas shopping, cooking a turkey and deciding whose house we're going to crash for the big day and there really is quite no other time like it.
We all listen to the same music, eat the same food and actually have similar days off work/school. Like a synchronised swim and every move is what makes the magic of Christmas. Ergh... did I actually just say that? Well, as I said, I do like the festive season and even if this year hasn't felt the most Christmas-y for me my thoughts around it don't change.
So at this time of year tell people you love them, squash any beef you might have, go out, have fun, party hard, eat lots and just enjoy the season. I was actually saying all that to myself because truth be told, I ain't done any of that.
But above all else, have a very Merry Christmas, I wish joy, happiness and peace for you and your families.