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Byran, what's going on with ByranCito Space?

Byran Ferrol

m going to keep this short and sweet. I did actually record a video for this but I think it was all a bunch of waffle and now my circumstances have changed drastically I think I can finally give an accurate update.

Basically, a couple of months ago I had some serious issues with the landlord and the estate agents I was letting through and it came to a point where I no longer felt comfortable giving them my money. (It's been over a month and I still haven't got my deposit back!) With the new government mandated lockdown also, it didn't make much sense for me to keep the space so I gave it up in the hopes I could start up again once the COVID situation settled and things started opening up again.

It was a shame as the space started to gain numerous enquiries and was showing signs of real potential. We had a couple of projects shot at the space in fact.

The idea was then to operate solely as an equipment hire place for the foreseeable future. I had also been keeping my eye on suitable spaces for the project and actually I had a plan set for a new space I had my eye on. However, my professional life has taken a complete left turn meaning that I am now required to go to Cardiff for a while. With this being the case I think it makes sense for me to go to Wales, do my business, then when I come back I can fully get the project going again.

So with this timeline ByranCito space is due to be set up again some time towards the end of this year. All the money generated through the crowdfunder has not gone to waste as all the equipment purchased is still very much in my possession and when the time comes I'll be ready to go again. Having my own creative space has always been a dream of mine and I'm not going to let it die so soon after it just got started.

So it's not dead yet, just on hold. I hope you understand and I very much look forward to starting up again when the time comes.


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